Hemlington Art Group...


13th September, 2016

Ageing Better Middlesbrough are supporting a group of artists who meet every Tuesday 1:30pm – 3:30pm at Hemlington Library. The group recently held an exhibition of their work at St Barnabas Church Hall and with help from the Community Development Team now have a local artist teaching them for 6 weeks.

Lesley Grob (Artist) is helping the group to improve their drawing, water colour and oil painting skills and says, “What an amazing group of artists who are willing to share with each other and others. The group is like a caring family and are so encouraging and inspiring to be around”

Norman who runs the group commented that: “Lesley is great, she has taken the time to go around everyone in the group and help them individually, she is teaching us how to improve our skills and achieve better results with our paintings”

New Members are welcome, call in at the library on a Tuesday or contact Linda Ford, Community Projects Officer on 01642 232220 lindaford@hope-foundation.org.uk

Thank you Linda!