Hope 2 Work launch...


24th April, 2015
The Hope Foundation, Middlesbrough

Hope 2 Work sessions are officially launching Friday 17th of April and will continue every Monday and Friday afterwards. Hope 2 Work is aimed at people who are job ready and want to find work and those that are on Traineeships.


In the Hope 2 Work sessions, we will concentrate on:
     Creating and updating CVs – Amending CVs to fit job criteria or to add additional information to your CV
     Creating effective covering letters – Creating effective covering letters to attract employers
     Advanced job search – Using various techniques to apply for jobs
     Filling in online applications – Filling in online applications for job opportunities effectively
•     Various job search websites – There are many other job search websites you may not be aware of
•     Setting up email alerts – Using email alerts to keep yourself up-to-date with job opportunities and responses from employers


Workshops will be held in different areas. Hope 2 Work will work in conjunction with the Interview & Job Search Skills course at The Hope Foundation.

If you are interested in this service, then please Contact Us for more information.