Hope Foundation Christmas Celebration of Achievement Event...
12th October, 2015
Celebrate your achievements at The Hope Foundation by attending our event located at Linthorpe Resource Centre on 18th December at 2:00pm – 4:00pm.
Are you a learner who has worked hard over the past few months and achieved a qualification to show for it? Are you a family member who would like to support your loved one as they celebrate? Are you an older student who would like to celebrate with the current learners?
If so, please do come along, share and listen to other people’s achievement stories at our Christmas Presentation. Be sure to share this event with friends and family either online or by word-of-mouth!
We also welcome learners to share their story about their time at the Hope – this could be about where you were when you first started and how you have progressed. If you feel you are up to this, please select ‘Yes, I will be attending and would like to share my story’.
There will be a light buffet, so come along and meet up with friends and learners to celebrate everybody’s achievements at The Hope.
If you would like to attend, please book your place by visiting the Eventbrite website