Job Success for Ken!...


26th May, 2016

Ken had worked for SSI for 25 years when it closed down and we was made redundant last year. The job seeking world he discovered was very different to how it had been in 25 years ago. Instead of finding job boards in the job centre he was being asked to apply for jobs online. This demanded IT skills he had never needed before and didn’t have.

Ken was referred to The Hope Foundation by jcp and completed IT and Work Skills courses where he learned how to search and apply for work online. He found a job he wanted to apply for and prepared for this thoroughly with his tutor. He did a practice interview which gave him confidence and prepared him well for a very thorough interview with Redcar & Cleveland Council.

His positive attitude and willingness to learn ended up getting him the job at the Council and he has already seen his hours increase from 10 to 20. A huge success for a lovely guy!

Congratulations Ken & we’re proud to be part of your story!